Sunday, December 23, 2018

New Years Resolutions

Here are our top 5 recommended New Years resolutions:
  1. Stop eating processed foods and drinks. Stop drinking sodas (both regular and diet). Eat REAL foods similar to those our ancestors lived off of. If you can't find it in your kitchen - it shouldn't be in the ingredient list! Stop eating sugar, PERIOD. Did you know that sugar can be a real addiction? It acts like a drug to your brain.
  2. Drink a gallon of water each and every day! Yes, you read that right, 128 oz! You need the water for your body to flush toxins out of your cells.
  3. Eat whole grain foods (The word 'whole' has to be in the ingredient list to be valid). Stay away from white foods which are normally highly processed. Think brown rice.
  4. Eat vegetables at each and every meal. And don't 'schedule' your meals around a particular time. Eat for FUEL when and only when your body needs food for fuel. Some days you may only eat once and that's OK. 
  5. Get 8 hrs of sleep. Your body needs the battery recharge. Don't skimp here!
Remember if you're trying to lose weight, weight loss can be accomplished through eating healthy. Just say NO to temporary 'diets.' Make a permanent lifestyle change based on good all-around habits! Your body will thank you for it. It's never too late to take back your life and body.

Tip: If you don't think you have the will power to make changes 'cold turkey' just tell yourself you get one 'free' day. Eat correctly for 6 days and then treat yourself for the 7th day and eat like you used to. I'll bet that you feel so much better after the new changes that you'll want to continue on with your new habits on day 7.

Healthy living habits start today!